From SJG
We suspected a couple of weeks ago that we would miss our original deadline to go to print, but we kept plugging away until we knew more. Now we’re SURE we’ll miss it.
We are dealing with an assortment of little issues, mostly involving physical production. The problem is that the production issues are interacting more than we expected . . . a fix in one place requires us to re-do days of work on something else, which opens up an opportunity to improve the game which takes more days not to waste . . . This has sucked up enough of my time that I’m not as caught up on rules editing as I should be. Fortunately, our new Line Editor, Daniel Jew, aided by the mass mind of Ogre fandom, is helping a lot with that.
All in all, we are (as usual) choosing to take the time to get it right, rather than to meet a schedule but deliver a sub-par game. I’ve heard a saying attributed to the Origin Systems team, back in the day: “It’s only late until it ships, but it sucks forever.” We’d rather be excellent forever.
So what’s the new schedule? We now expect to take delivery of the Kickstarter games in early December, and start shipping them immediately, in hopes you have them to play during Christmas vacation. The regular edition will now be an early 2013 ship.
Thanks for your patience. We will continue to post progress reports and images of actual game components as we finish, so you can watch Ogre come together.