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Exclusive Savings on Your Vul-Con Registration

Vul-Con is almost upon us here in the Valley of the Sun and our friends Jay and Rick who are organizing the two day event are sharing a special discount code for you to save $5 off your convention badge. This is an exclusive to the gaming gang! Just register at and at the checkout enter the code “gaminggang”. That’s all you have to do and you’ll save 11% (or in other words, five bucks) off your preregistration. Admission is $50 at the door. Remember Vul-Con will be held Feb 25 & 26, 2012 at the Phoenix Convention Center!

Here’s also the latest from the Vul-Con team regarding some new contests:

We’ve announced three themes for Phoenix Vul-Con 2012 – our overall Roman Theme, Dust Day Arizona 2012 (Weird World War II) Saturday, and Steampunk Sunday. We want to enhance the feel, the fun, and the eye candy – so we’re challenging Cosplayers to come out to Phoenix Vul-Con 2012 in their best costumes that fit these themes. We’re kicking off that concept with a contest and prizes. Email us your picture wearing your Roman, Dust, or Steampunk costume (not too high of resolution please – nothing over 300KB) and judges from the Vul-Con Team will pick the top three. We’ll post the top three pictures and maybe a few of the others here on Facebook. The top three will each receive a complimentary pass to Phoenix Vul-Con 2012. All others will receive a coupon for a discounted membership. That’s just phase one.

Phase two – At Phoenix Vul-Con 2012, we will hold another costume competition for those who turn out in the appropriate theme on the appropriate day. We’ll gather the Dust-costumed Cosplayers on Saturday, the Steampunks on Sunday, and those in Roman garb both days – four contests, each judged by a panel of Senators and Guests. The winners will receive a prize and a Vul-Con Trophy.

Send your picture for phase one to We can’t wait to see your pictures and look forward to seeing you (in costume of course) at Phoenix Vul-Con 2012!

Jeff McAleer

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