In other Trek movie related news, Benedict Cumberbatch portrays the villain in the latest installment and speculation has run rampant if his character is indeed Khan Noonien Singh. Cumberbatch told Access Hollywood, “I play a character called John and not that other name. It’s interesting. Speculation is speculation and that’s all fun,” he said. “I play John Harrison who’s a terrorist and an extraordinary character in his own right. He’s somebody who is not your two-dimensional cookie cutter villain.”
The star of the BBC hit Sherlock also adds, “He’s got an extraordinary purpose, and I hope that at one point or other in the film you might even sympathise with the reasons he’s doing what he’s doing – not necessarily the means and the destruction he causes.”
“But it was a great ride, not just because he’s the bad guy and the antagonist but also because he has a purpose and it’s hard not to see his point of view at certain points.”
Star Trek: Into Darkness is due to get its release on May 17, 2013.
I can not wait for this movie. I for one love the new direction the movies are taking. Love Cumberbatch as an actor. Love as Sherlock cant wait to see or hear him as the voice of Smaug the dragon in The Hobbit.
Sherlock is a fantastic show and Cumberbatch makes for an excellent Holmes – as does Martin Freeman as Watson – so I’ve turned on a good dozen or so people to the series.