Here’s the slate:
2016: Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice (Zack Snyder at the helm) featuring the introduction of Ben Affleck as Batman and Gale Gardot as Women Woman with Henry Cavill returning as the Man of Steel and Amy Adams as Lois Lane; Suicide Squad (directed by David Ayer) as Warner’s answer to the ragtag misfits of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy.
2017: Wonder Woman (with Gardot obviously in the lead role); and Justice League – or Justice League Part One as some sites are referring to the film (Zack Snyder assigned to direct).
2018: The Flash (with Ezra Miller); Aquaman (starring Jason Momoa)
2019: Shazaam (with Dwayne Johnson as Black Adam);Justice League Two – or Part Two – (with Mr. Snyder completing a DC Pick Four)
2020: Cyborg (starring Ray Fisher); Green Lantern (most likely a reboot)
Along with the aforementioned films Warners will also release stand alone Batman and Superman movies in the above time frame as well.
As someone with no real allegiance to either of the Big Two (I’ll read anything from Abstract Studios through Zenescope Entertainment, as long as it’s good) I’m happy to see the DC universe getting much stronger play in the film world as they’ve got lots of properties screaming to hit the big screen.